About Us
The 121st Clarkston Glasgow Scout Group has been in the heart of Clarkston for over 95 years. We've over 400 youth and adult members across our group, with one Squirrels drey, three Beaver colonies, three Cub packs, two Scout troops and an Explorer Scout Unit.
We promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential, as individuals, as responsible members of their local, national and international communities. We do it by providing everyone with exciting and adventurous activities with progressive training based on the scout promise and law, guided by adult leadership.
Our Beavers and Cubs take part in balanced programmes, working through various challenge and activity badges. Our Beavers get opportunities to learn about themselves, explore their feelings and develop good habits of health and personal safety. Cubs work together, go to indoor camps and learn new skills.
Outdoor activities feature prominently in our Scout troop; map reading, camp cooking, first aid and team work skills are practiced throughout the year and Scouts get the opportunity to put them to good use at the multiple camps held during the year.
Our Warrior Explorer Scouts are encouraged to work with other Explorer Scouts throughout the district, widening their opportunities to take experience many more activities. We also encourage our Explorer Scouts to help our Beaver, Cubs and Scout sectional meetings as Young Leaders - passing on the skills and experiences they have acquired throughout their scouting journey.